
Internationalization Plan

Nowadays, any company that produces a quality, differentiated product, always reaches the point where it considers whether it would have good possibilities for sale or implementation in others markets. In other words, internationalization.

The entry of Spain in the European Union, made it much easier to move in the environment that is closest to us: Portugal, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden… and all the rest of the countries that make up this great economic space. Customs barriers have disappeared, and in many cases the single currency, the euro, has replaced the mass of national currencies that we had before.

But even so, trying to sell in another market, whether in the European Union or a third country, is not an easy task, since we will encounter different languages and cultures, other business practices and other consumer tastes and customs. For this reason it is important to study very well which markets are easier, more profitable, or perhaps with greater growth prospects.

And to map the route to follow the ideal tool is a good Internationalization Plan, which will include, among other things, a complete SWOT analysis, a selection of markets, a calendar and action plan, the human and economic resources to assign in each phase, etc.

Currently, the Government of the Balearic Islands, (Department of Business, Occupation and Energy) has an aid decree for companies in our Community interested in internationalizacing: It is the 2024 “Pla de Internacionalització de Empresas de les Illes Balears” that covers performances from 2022 to 2026.

Among many other things, this aid decree also subsidizes the implementation of an Internationalization Plan by a company specialized in the matter.

From 1993, our IO Consultores office has been focused on everything related to internationalization and international trade, and it can be very useful to prepare a plan appropriate to your company and productive sector.

We are at your disposal to help you!

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